Join me in celebrating the opening of my second solo exhibition in Zagreb, Croatia! The event was a grand success as nearly the entire collection found new homes. Two of the last three available paintings have been left on display, and are available for purchase, from Ullrich Radionica Okvira (contact details given below). The purple bear (pictured below) has moved to England as an 'Ambassador of Art' - if you're interested in owning this piece please contact me directly.

Bears of Medvednica - Medvjedi Medvednice
Reverse Oil Paintings on Glass - Ulje na Staklu
15 February - 07 March 2012
Opening Event - 18.00 h, 15 February 2012
at ULLRICH Radionica Okvira, Est. 1898
Martićeva 31A - Zagreb
tel 01 46 33 018 - mob 098 353 091